
CLO-SET API provides a programming interface for file management and data retrieval on CLO-SET. To access CLO-SET API, you need to create an account first. You may then access all files and data that will be saved with your account by using the API.

  1. 1. Create your account
  2. 2. CLO-SET API

Create your account

1. Sign Up for CLO-SET and get email address verification

Proceed to sign up. If you already have an account, you may skip this part.


When you complete the sign up, you will receive a verification email.
Click the Activate button.

2. Sign In and go to CLO-SET Dashboard page

When you verify your email address, you will be signed in to CLO-SET and you will be redirected to the Dashboard page. From this point, you may begin to use CLO-SET API. Before getting into how to use CLO-SET API, we'd like to give you a brief introduction to some key features to help your understanding.

At the Dashboard page, you must see a Company and Workrooms which are automatically created. If you enter the Company by clicking the icon, you will see Brand, Season, and Workroom. These can be viewed as hierarchical folders that make file management easier for fashion companies.


For your information, Workroom is the only folder type where the files will be stored and there are two types of Workrooms.

1. The Company Library is a special Workroom to share common files such as Avatar/Dummy Files, Virtual Fabric Files, Virtual Trim Files, and so on for the virtual product development cycle across Brands in a Company.

2. Generally, Workroom is a folder that can be created and accessed only within a Brand.

3. Enter a Workroom and upload a file

In a Workroom, you may upload any files including ZPRJ, ZPAC, AVT, JPG, PNG, PDF, and etc. A file can be uploaded by manual operations or by using CLO-SET API. After uploading a file, the uploaded CLO 3D file (ZPRJ, ZPAC, and AVT) will be converted to the compact file format that is used by CLO-SET 3D Viewer. As a conversion usually takes tens of seconds, it is processed on the CLO-SET server-side.

4. Try with CLO-SET 3D Viewer

After the conversion is completed, you may check the 3D object through CLO-SET 3D Viewer. Click the thumbnail to enter the Style page. To see a 3D object in the viewer, usually, you need to wait for 10 to 20 seconds of conversion time. This is the same as using the API.




Through CLO-SET API, you may upload/download files to/from any Workroom and retrieve the information of the uploaded files.

To use CLO-SET API, you must first call the API to issue a token. If the login succeeds, you will receive a token as the response. Then, you can call the APIs using the Bearer Token.

Server URL

All requests should be sent to https://www.clo-set.com/


All requests require Bearer Token. To call CLO-SET APIs, you must issue a token and add it in Bearer + token form as the request header's authorization value.

Example - Request Header

Authorization: Bearer <token>
API Documentation

You may find documents of the CLO-SET API V2 at here.

API Tutorial

You may check the API tutorial at here.


CLO (Software)

CLO also uses CLO-SET API to share the working files with others instantly.

For more details, please visit CLO Help Center.
